Google has a new Android 11 statue – but you can check it out in Augmented Reality

Google has a new Android 11 statue – but you can check it out in Augmented Reality

When Google releases a new version of Android – Android 11 out now – there is of course a new statue for the Android Statue Garden. Since they no longer use dessert names for their Android releases, we get a pretty boring number statue, but Google is spicing it up by letting you check it out in Augmented Reality on your device.

Google VP Engineering, Android, Dave Burke has shared the picture of the statue on Twitter, as well as a link to the Android 11 Statue website where you can check it out yourself on any Android phone.

To check it out on your Android phone you can go to this link and tap the ‘View in 3D’ button and then the ‘View in your Space’ button.

It’s pretty neat, the animation includes the Android Bugdroid popping its head out of the 11 randomly while you watch. The statue is re-sizeable, though you can view it in its actual size if you want.